Enhanced Services and Social Distancing Prove a Winning Combination at San Bernardino County Library
San Bernardino County Library had been interested in expanding their self-service solutions for quite some time to meet patron needs and streamline service in their busy libraries. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for these solutions became even more vital, particularly in light of the health and economic impact of the virus.
When grant funding became available, San Bernardino County was able to secure funding for EnvisionWare’s X11 Series vending kiosks in each of their 35 locations. The X11’s are equipped with self-service software and hardware to enable patrons to release print jobs and pay for printouts. These self-service kiosks also allow a patron to checkout materials, pay fines and fees, and reserve a public computer without the need for staff assistance.
EnvisionWare is On the Move! New Headquarters Location is Part of a Strategy to Enhance Efficiency and Streamline Service
It’s official! EnvisionWare is packing to move to a new headquarter location in Atlanta. The move is part of a year-long strategic plan focused on streamlining operations for a growing product line and customer base.
“We migrated to a remote working environment during COVID-19 and found that the majority of our customer service and operations teams are happier and more productive working from home,” said EnvisionWare Co-Founder and CEO, Mike Monk. “The new headquarters enables us to reduce our carbon footprint in Atlanta, while still accommodating staff and management who desire working at an office or who need to be in an office for meetings and events.”
Discover How Libraries are Relying on the 24-Hour Library™
View this booklet to see how libraries around the country are relying on the 24-Hour Library™ to expand library services in busy areas such as parks, recreation centers, shopping areas, as well as an essential solution to remain open and provide social distance during the pandemic.