OneStop Launch Command Edition™:
The Next Generation Patron Experience
Attention computer and print management customers! Launch Command™, the patron self-service kiosk menu, is now available with the same modern and intuitive interface available in our OneStop™ self-service checkout software.
OneStop Launch Command Edition™ uses the same engaging interface as OneStop, providing all of OneStop’s customization capabilities that are available on the main menu screen. This interface takes customization to a new level, making it easy to use your own logo and branding colors. You can use your own photos to showcase your library or community, select from a bank of out-of-the box themes, or a combination.
With the OneStop version of Launch Command, you can also use the interface to announce library news and events with graphics or stream from your library’s website or other feeds in real-time on the screen.
OneStop Launch Command Edition is an upgrade that will be released after ALA. The license fee is waived for all existing PC Reservation®, LPT:One™ and eCommerce Self-Service customers.